Friday, 13 November 2015

Msemaji wa TANAPA Akanusha Kuhusu Picha Zilizogaa Kwenye Mitandao ya China

Baada ya habari kusambaa kwenye mitandao mbali mbali ya Kijamiii zikionyesha Simba Wamevamia Gari la Watalii....

Msemaji wa TANAPA ndugu Shelutete ametoa statement kukanusha kuwa picha ile si ya Serengeti na wala gari zile si za Tanzania.

Hivyo tukio lile halikutokea TANZANIA na wala si SERENGETI NATIONAL PARK.Kama lilivyokuwa limewekwa humu leo ktk link hii

Mbuga ya wanyama ya Serengeti yang'ara kwenye mitandao ya kijamii (CHINA)

Taarifa ya TANAPA kwa mujibu wa Msemaji wake ni hii;

This information is not true. Iam the official Spokesperson for Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA), the custodian of Serengeti National Park and below is the copy of the statement: TANZANIA NATIONAL PARKS OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR GENERAL P.O.BOX 3134, ARUSHA PRESS RELEASE SERENGETI NATIONAL PARK SAFE FOR TOURISTS On 10th November, 2015, the UK based blog Mail online came out with a story titled ?Meals from wheels: Terrified tourists watch as lion eats their vehicle?s tire during Safari in South Africa.?

The story further pointed out that the pictures of the tourists whose vehicle was attacked by lions were taken in Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. The news is now circulating very fast in various social media globally.

Tanzania National Parks would like to categorically state that the incident did not happen in Serengeti National Park as reported.

The registration number of the vehicle seems to be of South Africa and we do not have it on our records.

Tourists visiting Serengeti National Park must be aware that the place is safe for them and we have a good number of park wardens to take care of their security while in the park.
Issued by Corporate Communications Department Tanzania National Parks12th November

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